Sonntag, 10. Januar 2010

hey there pure star...

...let's go way too far...
keri hilson - i like

can't get this song out of my head.

since the new year started it hasn't stop to snow...and today the snow is really, really low. i would say that it was about 10-15cm last night. because of this everyone is hoping now, that there'll be no school tomorrow. that would be so fantastic!
but now let's turn to my week. tuesday I., F. and H. came to my place for a cocktailparty, we had 10 different juices and created our own recipes (but they were all tasty :D)...mostly i can advise you peachjuice. taste it! haha :) then, the girls slept over, too. after i had cleaned up the house on wednesday, L., little H. and me were in bremen, where you can find a big shopping mall, which is called "waterfront". because we hadn't that much time we spent most of the time at primark, where i bought some really nice jewelry and one cardigan. i would love to show some pictures, but -as you might know- my camera is crapped :/ . perhaps i can catch up that...
thursday school started again, but it was nice, because i could see many people again and even the lessons were kind of fun. friday was similar, but i was very, very tired as i finally got home. so i didn't do much that weekend. friday night i was at the greek's with my parents and yesterday i was at L. and little H.'s with little P. today i read a whole(!) novel for my german class (btw it's an "upper-level-course" german we say "leistungskurs") which is called "die marquise von o..." by heinrich von kleist. i thought reading that would be much more badly , but it was okay. i think, i'll take a hot bath now, because it' so cold. i wish you a nice evening and sweet dreams! xxx Cathi

just wanted to add a picture and found that photo of me. think, i was about six years old :)

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