Freitag, 26. Februar 2010

oh, miss barton!

mischa is amazing! i'm so, so glad that it's finally weekend and there's no snow anymore. but it rains...


Deichkind, Jack Johnson, Mando Diao, La Roux, Shout Out Louds, Billy Talent, LCD Soundsystem, The Prodigy, Paramore...sounds good! think, i'll go there!

Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2010

she was so shy til i drove her wild

i want this! found it at amazon, the price is 69,95€. what do you think? should i order it?

what is love?

my blog needs some more love, i think. but i was really busy this week and spent most of the time in school. today i wrote an english test, but it went well. sorry, for not posting something more interessting...can't wait that the weekend come. there's a party in the studio b on friday and there'll be a "Kohlfahrt" on saturday. think that'll be fun! :)

Sonntag, 21. Februar 2010

skilled work, facharbeit, skilled work

“The change in style – to create new views of fashion”
“A study on examples with own practical experiments”
My skilled work deals with the change in style related to fashion. Firstly it defines “The change in style” in general, then with reference to fashion. Then the change in style is described with the examples of three designers: Coco Chanel, who made very simple, but elegant clothes, which resembled to fashion of men, like “The little black dress”; Christian Dior, whose creations were called “New Look” and were very luxurious and romantic; and Mary Quant, who invented the “Miniskirt” and designed other similar clothes. After this the style of today is analyzed and then broken with five different designs.
All in all the skilled work tries to answer the question, how you get the idea of breaking the style and if this idea is related to something which has to be changed in the society. Further it deals with the question how far society and fashion are connected

i'm done! what do you think?

Samstag, 20. Februar 2010

little note :)

yay! my "facharbeit" is almost finished! hope i'm going to make it this night!


Freitag, 19. Februar 2010


sometimes i wish i was a careless whisper

i'm sick again. and i have to hand my "Facharbeit" in next Tuesday, but i haven't finished it yet. so i think my weekend is going to be boring, boring and boring...

Dienstag, 16. Februar 2010

someday you will find me caught beneath the landslide in a champagne supernova in the sky

definitly one of my favourite scenes from the OC! i also want such a kiss! :)

Samstag, 13. Februar 2010

Peter Pan once said...

"If life was easy, where would the adventures be?"

Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2010

cause i don't shine if you don't shine

Oh, well i don't mind if you don't mind
Cause i don't shine if you don't shine
Before you jump, tell me what you find
when you read my mind

Can you read my mind?
Can you read my mind?
The Killers - Read My Mind

Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010

this book is magic!

"Stell dir vor, du stündest irgendwann, vor vielen Jahrmillarden als alles erschaffen wurde, auf der Schwelle zu diesem Märchen. Und du hättest die Wahl, ob du irgendwann einmal zu einem Leben auf diesem Planeten geboren werden wolltest. Du wüsstest nicht, wann du leben würdest und du wüsstest nicht, wie lange du hier bleiben könntest, doch es wäre jedenfalls nur die Rede von wenigen Jahren. Du wüsstest nur, wenn du dich dafür entscheiden würdest, irgendwann auf die Welt zu kommen, dass du, wenn die Zeit reif wäre, wie wir sagen, oder wenn >die Zeit sich rundet<, sie und alles darauf auch wieder verlassen müsstest." Wofür hättest du dich entschieden?

Das Orangenmädchen - Jostein Gardner/The Orange Girl - Jostein Gardner

Sonntag, 7. Februar 2010


i'm feeling really sick. terrible, i hate being sick! but who doesn't do so?

because i'm not able to do anything productive, i watched some movies...among others "Gia" with Angelina Jolie. it handles with the true biography of the topmodel Gia which becomes dependend on drogued and later becomes infected with HIV. Angelina Jolie plays this role fantasticly!

Donnerstag, 4. Februar 2010

sitting. waiting. wishing.

yeah, that's exactly what i did almost the whole day, because we had another day school off because of the snow.tomorow i have to go there again, but i don't mind, i got really bored because except for a little visit at Lena's and Little H's i didn't do anything :)

but i haven't told you anything about my trip to Hamburg, although it was really great. went there with the three M's: Marie, Mario and Merle. we had lots of fun and bought lots of clothes. unfortunately i didn't found that cute flowerdress ( i posted in a later post) at urban outfitters, but therefore i bought a high-weast-jeans-short from Levis there (hope i can take a picture soon)...when we arrived again in OL it was already 9pm and we were tired, but Marie and i decided to go partying nevertheless. sadly there were too many people who wanted to go into the Passion, so we went into the Metro (another club). i wasn't really happy about that, because i badly wanted to go into the Passion and there were just bad Electromusic
in the Metro. actually i like electro, but this was simply lethargic. but all in all the night was okay.

so, think i have sat, waited and wished enough...i'll lay, sleep and dream now :)
good night, sweeties! :-*

Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2010